Nuvell Medical Specialist Inc.

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Elderly Man Looking at the Nurse and Smiling Happy Couple Dancing Elderly Woman in Bed

Senior Fall Alert System in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

When a loved one lives alone and elder care is an issue, gain peace of mind with a senior fall alert system from Nuvell Medical Specialist, Inc. in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. The system is also perfect for people of all ages.

Emergency Response Alert

Many elders who require constant support still want to maintain independence. Our emergency response system is your lifeline for someone who may potentially fall and become unable to get up.

When a person pushes a button or yells out, the machine automatically recognizes that person's voice and alerts emergency dispatch responders. All you need is a phone line, and our technicians will install the system.

Request more information today about the alert system from our health care consulting company.

Senior Receiving Help